March 8, 2025

Aviva On The Thames  (Photo by Getty Images)
Aviva On The Thames (Photo by Getty Images)


Dee Caffari and her all female crew onboard Aviva have been battling unfavourable conditions in their attempt to break the record for sailing around Britain and Ireland . Despite losing some miles overnight, morale remains high and the crew are confident that with stronger winds forecast for today they will be able to pick up the speed required to put them back on record pace.


At 1911hrs last night, Samantha Davies commented:

“Out here our world is tipped over at 30 degrees, and jumps around like a fairground ride. Not really so much fun as yesterday and a bit slower, but luckily in about 8 hours things should speed up!… My body aches all over and I need more sleep. That is the same for everyone on board, as we are giving all we can to keep Aviva at 110% and break this record. Morale is high, despite the exhaustion, the team is getting more and more solid and we are motivated to work together to maximise our performance.”


At 0659 hrs this morning, skipper Dee Caffari added:

“Had some upwind sailing last night which was bumpy, wet and uncomfortable and to add to the discomfort – we lost some all important miles. We tacked when the front came and have been sailing down the line for the early hours. The wind is a little shifty and is forecast to get stronger allowing us, we hope, some fast reaching conditions. All good for a record time!”


At 0937 hrs this morning, Miranda Merron commented:

“The only safe place to be is in the beanbag (luxury accommodation here!), happy in the knowledge that every hour we are banking 5 miles, as Aviva rockets along at 16 knots. St Kilda is the next turning mark, 60 miles away.


Old habits die hard – Sam has taken to eating Nutella with a spoon straight out of the jar, having held out for 3 and a half. Prior to that, she was being healthy and eating Nutella on Ryvita. Miranda never tried the healthy option anyway.”


At 1030 hrs (BST) this morning, Caffari and her all female crew were passing the Isle of Lewis off the North West coast of Scotland .


Round Britain and Ireland Record Overview

§          Dee Caffari, the British yachtswoman who made history by becoming the first woman to sail solo, non stop both ways around the world, set off at 21:09:36 on Monday 15th June to attempt to break the record for sailing around Britain and Ireland

§          Caffari is joined onboard her racing yacht Aviva by an all female crew, including fellow British yachtswoman and Vendée Globe race rival Samantha Davies, sailor Miranda Merron and boat captain Alex Sizer

§          The current outright record stands at 7 days 4 hours and was set in May 2004 onboard Solune

§          Another record in their sights is for an all female crew, which stands at 10 days and 16 hours recorded by Samantha Davies and her crew onboard Roxy in June 2007

§          The route is almost 2500 nautical miles around the British coastline

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