Miles4Justice is a unique sailing project that raises much needed funds for human rights causes around the world. They break records, race the best in the world and sail thousands of miles to raise awareness and fundraise.
Miles4Justice was started by two leading human rights lawyers including a founding member of the International Course of Human Rights. It has grown into an 11-strong sailing team led by a professional skipper who has completed the Whitbread race three times.
The complex and exciting sport of competing in a sailing race is used as a means of drawing attention to the need for the protection of human rights around the world. The term “Miles4Justice” represents the two elements of the concept:
1) Achieving justice around the world through the endorsement of human rights.
2) Sailing as many miles as possible in order to generate the financial means to support specific human rights projects.

Eight are members of the Royal Netherlands Marines Corps – Special Forces Unit – who have been on assignment during various international peace keeping operations. These missions were aimed at restoring peace and security in areas such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Cambodia. The Marines were specifically selected for this unique team based on their skills and personalities.
Another team member is an accomplished human rights lawyer and an avid female amateur sailor.
The 10th member of the team is a reserve officer of the Royal Netherlands Marines Corps. He is also a renowned human rights lawyer, a Professor of International Criminal Law and one of the founding members of the International Criminal Court with ongoing experience and participation in various War Crimes Tribunals over the past number of years.
Last but not least, the skipper is the only professional sailor. He has successfully completed the Whitbread Race, the predecessor of the current Volvo Ocean Race, three times and his experience is invaluable.

In benefit of Human Rights Watch will endeavour to arrive on the same calendar day as Hudson on the 8th September in New York in time for the starting ceremonies of the NY400 celebrations. Upon arrival, the team will donate a cheque to Human Right Watch. The principle sponsor of this challenge is Rampart’s Avenir, North America’s largest ecocity.
Between 8 – 13 September, the Miles4Justice team will stay in New York to join the celebrations and sail with special guests, including high profile individuals linked with Human Rights Watch.


For more Information xisit www.miles4justice.com