British skipper Mike Golding is relishing his imminent return to racing on the Open 60 which will be known as ‘Mike Golding Yacht Racing’ for this edition of the biennial race.
“It has not been easy to get ready in time. It has been a heavy schedule with the Extreme 40 and preparing the ’60’ but it has been nice to get back on the Open 60 but the boat is going well. With the re-fit and everything it has been maybe a little bit ‘lastminute.com’ but we are here and I think the boat is in good shape and we are in good shape and I am really looking forward to going racing again.”
Golding sounded buoyant and pleased as he brought Mike Golding Yacht Racing into Le Havre along with his Spanish co-skipper Javier ‘Bubi’ Sanso.
“It certainly is good to be here. It was never a foregone conclusion we would do this race, and it was on and off a bit, so it feels particularly good now arriving here. It really puts the stamp on our participation.” Golding remarked after completing an aerial photo and video shoot prior to entering the famous start port.

A small positive to emerge from Golding’s unfortunate dismasting while leading the last epic edition of the Vendée Globe is that the Open 60 has a number of new, replacement sails. Mike Golding Yacht Racing has a new mainsail, fractional spinnaker and new Solent headsail.
Despite the frailties of the global economy the IMOCA Open 60 has attracted a strong entry.
“To be honest I have not followed who has been doing what sailing through the summer. A lot of the Vendée competitors are back a nd I know a lot of the French teams have been doing a lot of training which will make them very strong, so it is a good line up for sure. A lot who did not complete the Vendée course are back for retribution.”
“I think the change of course will be interesting. The change to Costa Rica means there is no Doldrums. Historically we have done well in this race and so I am really looking forward to it. If it is ‘normal’ weather then it could be a good race.”
Of his co-skipper, Sansó, who sailed Golding’s previous IMOCA O pen 60, (ex-Ecover 2) to a narrow fourth place in the last Barcelona World Race with Pachi Rivero – missing out on the podium by a matter of hours to Golding’s 2005 TJV co-skipper Dominique Wavre – Golding affirms: “He is very good. We get on well. He is very stable and very tough and has good Open 60 experience, and having sailed the older Ecover, it is not all completely new to him.”
Sansó’s first few days on board with Golding have been a learning experience, but an enjoyable and positive one.
“The set up is similar in many ways to the Mutua Madrilena. Obviously there are a lot of improvements and the boat is more powerful and quicker, but it is very similar. We had up to 19-20 knots of breeze at times and some perfect sailing. I really want to do well in this race. It is such an opportunity to learn.”
An early initiation into the Golding signature dish, the breakfast fry-up is an unexpected luxury for Sanso:
“Mike cooked a great bacon and eggs t his morning. He eats well on board and I like that.”
Mike Golding TJV
1999 – third place (Co-skipper – Ed Danby)
2001 – second place (Co-skipper – Marcus Hutchinson)
2003 – third place (Co-skipper – Brian Thompson)
2005 – fourth place (Co-skipper – Dominique Wavre)
2007 – fifth place (Co-skipper – Bruno Dubois)
About Mike Golding and Mike Golding Yacht Racing
Mike Golding is a British racing skipper who principally competes on the IMOCA (International Monohull Open Class Association) World Championship circuit. Mike is also managing director of Mike Golding Yacht Racing (MGYR) Ltd, a business that offers yacht racing sponsorship opportunities and organises bespoke sailing events.
MGYR is a professional yacht racing business, founded in 2001 as a partnership between Mike and Jørgen Philip-Sørensen CBE, with a clear purpose to compete and win on the water and to deliver value to its sponsor partners in the boardroom.

In 2005/6 Mike was world champion in both the IMOCA and FICO (Forum International de la Course au Large) oceanic classes. In 2007 Mike was awarded an OBE for services to the sport of sailing.