March 8, 2025

American Sailor to Depart Charleston, South Carolina for the Start of the VELUX 5 OCEANS 2010-11 Race in France 

Le Pingouin (Photo Courtesy of Team Lazarus)
Le Pingouin (Photo Courtesy of Team Lazarus)

U.S. sailor Brad Van Liew to depart Charleston aboard high tech racing yacht for upcoming international competition
3,500 miles stands between Van Liew and the official start line of the race in La Rochelle, France
Qualifying sail will serve as last chance to test electronics, sails, communication systems, and hardware before Van Liew begins his 30,000 mile journey alone around the planet
Brad Van Liew, the sole U.S. entry in the upcoming VELUX 5 OCEANS 2010-11 race
Crew aboard the race boat for the sail across the Atlantic include: JC Caso (La Rochelle, France), Brendan Fitzgerald (Mt. Pleasant, SC) and Tim Eble (Mt. Pleasant, SC)
Van Liew’s shore support, family, friends, local supporters and sponsors will be present
Monday, September 6, 2010
11:00am estimated departure from dock
11:00am-1:00pm outgoing sail from Ravenel Bridge to the jetties
Check for any changes and/or updates on Twitter at

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