Challenge and Adventure’s Colin Merry reported today on the goings on in and around the race village for the Route du Rhum. “Amid the building carnival atmosphere that is gripping the town of St. Malo work goes on to prepare the fleets for the coming race. The crowds of mainly French people keep increasing in spite of the weather. For instance, Saturday with a 40knot storm with it’s accompanying heavy rain did little to disuade the crowds from descending on the race village! “

- “On DMS (Pete’s boat) as on the other boats work progressed at a pace. Whilst Pete and Tom got on with the technical aspects myself and Henriette went out to get the shopping list fullfilled. 20ltr. water cans for emergency water, coloured dye packs, 50ltrs. of drinking water, igniter for the gas burner,ten rolls of kitchen roll,white electrical tape, ptfe tape etc etc. I think without Henriette’s knowledge of the town I would still be out looking now! “

“With Pete and Tom finally happy with the day’s work we wandered around the other Class 40’s whilst Tom (a self confessed Class 40 geek) pointed out some of the subtle differences in the interpretation of the Class 40 rules. He certainly knows his stuff and I am hoping to remember some of the info that he knows so well. It is amazing to see so many same class boats in one place and yet not one seems to have much if anything in common with the others.

After this informative walk around we retired for a well earned drink in the ”Bar de Legends”. The walls in this pub are filled with photos of famous sailors and daring deads! Well worth a visit if you are in St.Malo.”
Tomorrow’s schedule:
8:30 am – 10:30 amRennes Atalante conference.
10:00 am Opening of the race village.
11:30 am – 1:00 pmChallenge Handivoile (SNBSM).
2:30 pm – 5:00 pmLes Saintoises Trophy (SNBSM).
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm . Journal du Rhum – Témoin : Pierre-Louis Castelli – France Inter
17h00 – 17h20: François Angoulvant – Fermiers de Loué (Class40)/ Joris de Carlan – Generik Exp’hair en beauté (Rhum) / Samuel Manuard – Vecteur plus (Class40)
17h20-17h40: Vincent Riou – PRB (Imoca) / Jean Paul Froc – Eurosanit (Rhum) / Jean Paul Criquioche – Groupe Picoty (Class40)
17h40-18h00:Yves Le Blevec – Actual (Multi50) / Yvan Noblet – Appart City (Class40)/ Pierre Yves Lautrou – L’Express/Sapmer (Class40) / Christopher Pratt – DCNS 1000 ( Imoca)
7:30 pm Sound and light show.
8:00 pm Closure of the race village.
10:00 pm Sound and light show.