March 8, 2025

Pete Goss and Raphael Dinelli (Photo by Colin Merry)

by Colin Merry

Today’s update on the prestart activities for Pete Goss and DMS from Colin Merry had a great suprise.  Raphael Dinelli paid Pete Goss a visit prior to Pete’s departure in the Route du Rhum 2010. 

With all the safety checks passed we can now get down to the task of stowing all the gear that is going with the boat and removing everything that is not vital to the dockside. Mark Wylie (Eastern Electornics) looks up to his ears in it as he operates no less than three computers at once! But rest assured he is on top of his game, and the installs and glitch sorting are going fine.
We had a most welcome visitor to DMS yesterday in the form of Raphael Dinelli. You may remember that Pete turned back in to the teeth of a massive storm in the Southern Ocean during a Vendee race to rescue him. Since then they have been firm friends and it was touching to see them meet again.
Once again close of play found us winding down in the ‘Bar de Legends’ where we met James Boyd. Editor of and Raphael! 


Forgive me for getting on the other side of the lens but I couldn’t resist a couple of pics. with James and Raphael! 


Joined by Marco Nannini and Richard Tolkien both Class 40 skippers we spent a pleasant hour talking boats.


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