Derek Hatfield tells of his last day to Cape Town “The last few days have been a BIT frustrating! The high pressure systems that normally are quite reliable are very unstable and changing daily. The way to Cape Town is blocked right now and I must pick my way through the mine field of small unstable systems. In hind sight (which is always 20/20) I should have stayed west and continued down the Brazilian coast to almost 40 degrees south before turning towards Cape Town.
After being so frustrated with the weather for so long, one’s sense of humor does return so here are some indicators in a race around the world that tell me that it is time to finish the leg and step ashore:
1) all the clean socks and underwear are gone and I’m starting to recycle the dirty ones.
2) all the chocolate pudding cups are gone
3) I’m down to 15 liters of fresh water (water maker not working)
4) there are 3 fresh oranges left but they are a bit like sun dried fruit inside
5) my mustache has almost grown back in
6) I’ve lost my Tilley sunshade hat over the side
7) the competition has been ashore for 3 DAYS!
Must go now and watch for Chris, he’s applying the pressue and I’m resolved not to let him pass.”