March 14, 2025
imagingBeing born in the West Country and studying at university in Stirling gave Olli Dunn the idea of setting himself a personal challenge whilst also raising funds for cancer research.
Following the death of a close family friend from pancreatic cancer Olli set himself a modest target to fund raise £500 for cancer research.
“I’ve always enjoyed personal physical challenges so cycling solo from one end of the country to the other seemed like a great way to achieve both goals” Olli said.
“I’ve planned the trip in detail, starting at Land’s End with stops at Launceston, Taunton, Llandogo, Dorrington, Wigan, Shap, Moffat, Stirling, Trinafour, Inverness, Helmsdale and ending after 12 days at John O’ Groats.”
“I’m contacting cancer support groups in each town to let them know what I’m doing, aiming to raise awareness as I travel.”
If you can make a modest donation towards Olli’s fund raising target sponsor you can do it on line by googling “Oliver Dunn just giving” or by visiting:
During his preparations Olli is seeking sponsors for clothing, footwear, or cycling gear and ,media support. Potential sponsorship offers, media requests for on the road interviews in stop off towns, or just plain old messages of support can be emailed to Olli at:
Olli’s challenge starts on 2nd of September 2011. He can be found on Facebook at Oliver John Anthony Dunn or by following this link:!/pages/Ollis-Solo-Cycling-Expedition/142428002492027?sk=wall, where you can follow his preparations and track his progress.
More information on Pancreatic Cancer at:
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