March 9, 2025

Derek Hatfield onboard his yacht Activehouse finishing Ocean Sprint 4, from Punta del Este Uruguay to Charleston, USA in second place. (Photo by Ainhoa Sanchez/
Derek Hatfield onboard his yacht Activehouse finishing Ocean Sprint 4, from Punta del Este Uruguay to Charleston, USA in second place. (Photo by Ainhoa Sanchez/

As part of the Lunenburg Wooden Boat Reunion & Regatta the Spirit of Canada Ocean Challenges team will be having their first Open Boat since Derek Hatfield and his Open 60 Spirit of Canada returned from the gruelling VELUX 5 Oceans Single Handed around the world race. Derek and his podium placing race boat will be on hand to personally answer questions about the race and allow people aboard the boat which is located on the Zwicker Wharf along the Lunenburg Waterfront.

The Lunenburg Wooden Boat Reunion & Regatta is a celebration of the history, culture, and proud tradition of wooden boats at this, the first annual event to be held July 23 and 24, 2011. Spectators will witness a race between traditional sloops and schooners in the harbour of this UNESCO World Heritage Site on Saturday July 23rd. The race has been specially designed for public viewing and will include a parade of sail which can be viewed from the Bluenose II wharf starting at 11 A.M. The Nova Scotia Schooner Association; currently celebrating its 50th anniversary will be participating in the event with more than a dozen schooners expected to attend. While the schooners are racing you are invited to visit Derek and the boat from 13.00hr to 16.00hr.

On Sunday afternoon, visitors can stroll the wharves, chat with the skippers, and go aboard several of the vessels during an open house. On Sunday there will be dory races, small sailboat races, and putt putt races prior to the free concert by Lennie Gallant on the Bluenose II wharf. Visitors will be encouraged to explore the entire waterfront and visit active boatyards where dories, rowing shells, and schooners are currently under construction including the 143’ Bluenose II being rebuilt in the former Smith and Rhuland Shipyard. The Picton Castle will be holding an open house, cargo sale, and hand on demonstrations of traditional marine skills on both days between 10 A.M and 5 P.M. The Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, a key sponsor of the event, will open its wharves for dockside viewing of its fleet, including the Saltbank Schooner Theresa E. Connor. The Museum wharf will be the focus of weekend-long festivities including demonstrations by marine artisans of boatbuilding, model making, sail making, wire splicing, casting and rope work. The weekend long event will include a variety of events for the entire family as well as free musical entertainment on both days.

Derek Hatfield onboard his yacht Activehouse (Photo by Ainhoa Sanchez/VELUX 5 OCEANS)
Derek Hatfield onboard his yacht Activehouse (Photo by Ainhoa Sanchez/VELUX 5 OCEANS)
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