March 9, 2025
Oman Sail's Musandam Programme (Photo courtesy of Oman Sail)

One year ago Oman Sail sent out it’s first press release outlining some major plans based on the cornerstone of reigniting Oman’s maritime heritage. In the year since the press release was sent out, the goals that Oman Sail set out for itself have been surpassed and the growth has been matched only by that of Oman itself.

Albert Whitley, Executive Director of Oman Sail, was very happy with the progress, ‘We set some very tough goals for ourselves and we are proud to have achieved them and watched the recruits achieve what they have in such a short time. To see them so successful in their sailing ventures whether it was circumnavigating the globe, competing in Europe or training in Muscat reinforces our faith that we can reignite Oman’s maritime heritage for the good of Oman and her people.’

All members of staff of Oman Sail, as well as 18 young Omanis all hoping for a place in the Oman Sail programme, enjoyed a party at the Marina Bandar Al Rowdha. All the selection candidates were presented with Level One Sailing Certificates by Albert Whitley, Executive Director of Oman Sail. A giant cake in the shape of a ‘1’ was presented to the team and was cut by the Oman Sail race team, Academy coaches and office staff.

In a speech by Saleh Al Jabri, one of the most experienced instructors in the Oman Sail Academy, th e upcoming year was outlined and the importance of the role that everyone plays was stressed. ‘What we have done over the last year has been very important but it is what we do in the next year and all the years which follow that will define us and our success. We have been successful in many projects but it is the large project of Oman Sail which we must always stay focused on.’

After the first event in Venice, Italy, Oman Sail’s Renaissance and Masirah teams sit in third and fourth respectively. The next round will be in France that is home to two key members of the Renaissance team, Loick peyron and Julien Cressant. Khamis Al Anbouri and Mubarak Al Ba ttashi will both be sailing on the teams and continue to become integral parts of the crews.

Abdullah Al Busaidi and Ahmed Al Ma’amari are in the UK as part of their Clipper round the world challenge that begins in September. Both will find out which boat they will compete on and get the opportunity to meet the rest of the crew.

On Tuesday morning nine young Omani men, all hoping to be recruited as full time members of the sailing team, set sail for an overnight sailing experience. None of the recruits had ever sailed a boat two weeks ago but now, under the tutelage of the current Omani sailing team, they are ready to face the open sea.

Accompanying the nine recruits is the boat skipper as well as Ali Ambusaidy who himself was a recruit less than a year ago. To become an instructor and teach fellow Omani’s in such a short time is testament to the quality of candidates chosen through the selection process.

Before Ali departed the dock at Marina Bandar Al Rowdha he said, ‘Before I became an instructor I never would have guessed that I would be teaching fellow Omanis how to sail out at sea. When I look at them I see myself a year ago, I only hope I can do them justice and shape them into world class sailors who will represent Oman through successes and sportsmanship’.

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