Article and Photos by Challenge and Adventure’s Gareth Evans
The Owners’ Press Conference held this afternoon was very well attended by the press – approximately 150 out of the 600+ accredited media personnel were there. Unfortunately, the same could not be said about the team owners.
Whilst Ernesto Bertarelli arrived for the press conference, Larry Ellison failed to show. The compere explained (in response to a question from the audience), that there had been a misunderstanding within BMW Oracle. The event had been organised for the two Owners to have a head to head interview in front of the World’s press. They were informed that sending a substitute would not be acceptable – they took this to mean that other team members would not be welcome, and refused to attend. Due to the no show by Ellison, Bertarelli had offered the second seat to Brad Butterworth to field some of the questions – he offered to ask Brad to leave the stage if that was what the audience wanted. The response he received was that Brad could stay.

Some sound bites from Bertarelli:
· The Oracle rig is possibly an advantage.
· His contribution this time was very different. He has been more involved than before. He felt it very important that the owner should be on board steering (possibly a dig at Larry Ellison).
· Loick Peyron is like a very handy Swiss knife – he can do anything.
· There were a number of choices for helm. The boat is a copy of EB’s 1999 boat. He said that he is not the fastest helm in all conditions, but certainly is not the slowest. Loick Peyron is handy in manoeuvres.
· What does EB fear most – the boat or LE’s desperate will to win? “The Boat” (said with a grin).
· “There are two boats that will be on the start line on Monday. Let’s see who wins.”
· Why did the EB/LE friendship fall apart? EB: Today sums it up. I came here to shake his hand. I was determined to have this meeting today, but Larry did not turn up.
· The boats are sailing downwind at 2.5-3 times the wind speed. The reaches are exciting!
· It will be a war of the shore crews to keep the boats sailing at 100%
There is no doubt that Larry Ellison scored an own goal today (to use a soccer term!). EB had the world’s press at this press conference, with nobody there from BMW Oracle to offer their side of the story. And EB is a clever man who knows how to turn the situation to his advantage.
Article and Photos by Gareth Evans