March 9, 2025
Shetland Round Britain and Ireland Race Fleet Preparing To Head Out (Photo by Colin Merry)
Shetland Round Britain and Ireland Race Fleet Preparing To Head Out (Photo by Colin Merry)


Once again a multitude of of yachts are gathering in Plymouth prior to the start of the ”Round Britain and Ireland ”race. Taking place every four years this race has always attracted a large following, and this year is no exception. With over sixty entrants this is a new record. The race starts and finishes at Plymouth, and stops at Kinsale (Ireland), Barra,(Scotland), Lerwick(Shetland isles) Lowestoft,(England) are compulsory.
It’s a very tough race and the weather can and often does throw everything at the participants. The stops are a welcome break where boats and bodies can be repaired!

Taika (Photo by Colin Merry)
Taika (Photo by Colin Merry)
Chris Tibbs Preparing (Photo by Colin Merry)
Chris Tibbs Preparing (Photo by Colin Merry)

 Chris Tibbs on his newly acquired J105 ‘Taika’ should have an advantage as he is a meteorologist and author of the RYAWeather handbook. In between tackling the many last minute jobs he said that he and co-skipper Kim Vasey do not have a game plan that is solid but will get out there and see what the weather throws up! I would think that they weren’t telling me everything with the weather knowledge they have on board!


Crew of Kindness (Photo by Colin Merry)
Crew of Kindness (Photo by Colin Merry)

Looking around at the gathered yachts it was a scene of quiet but fairly intense activity as last minute jobs both small and large were being undertaken. It was a contrast to see the two guys on ‘Kindness’ an Oyster 47′ seemingly with everything under control chilling out.  Nick  Booth and Johnathon Shingleton are doing the race in order to raise funds for Prostate cancer UK. An interesting story on why the boat is named ‘Kindness’. In 2002 John was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was diagnosed and treated by a doctor called Dr Hugh Kindness! Hence the name of the boat. John and Nick did the ARC in 2005 and have been sailing together since. They are taking donations for this very worth while cause through


(Photo by Colin Merry)
(Photo by Colin Merry)
Final Preparations (Photo by Colin Merry)
Final Preparations (Photo by Colin Merry)

Starting this Sunday 6th June the race can be followed as it unfolds as every boat is now required to have a tracker. The start line is within Plymouth sound and the midday starting gun will be fired from HMS Iron Duke.


You Can Track The Fleet’s Progress HERE

Flags (Photo by Colin Merry)
Flags (Photo by Colin Merry)
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