February 9, 2025
Meteor   (Photo by George Bekris)
Meteor (Photo by George Bekris)

By Norma Trease

Emails are already flying back and forth from yachts, to skippers, owners, race crew, the Race Committee, to hotels on island and everything in between, just a short week in advance of the always breathlessly anticipated Saint Barths Bucket, March 22-25, 2012. Soon, yachts, owners and crew will be descending on this verdant little slice of Caribbean heaven, eager to share the tremendous excitement and pure sailing joy that is Bucket Racing.

Beautiful Video of Saint Barths Bucket Regatta 2011  by Superyacht Media

Just announced by the Race Chairman Peter Craig is a spectacular fleet of more than 40 vessels, representing builders and designers worldwide. Once again, the fleet will be split into three classes: Les Gazelles, Les Grandes Dames, and Les Elegantes.

Needless to say, there will be a huge variety in the fleet, which this year will range from 27 to 62m LOA. He has published a detailed description of the various factors involved in the devilishly complicated task of calibrating the classes, so for more details, please do check    St.  Barths Bucket

2012 Entries

Les Elegantes des Mers
Yachts (12)TypeBuilderDesignerLOA
AdelaSchoonerPendennis ShipyardDykstra & Partners55m
AthosSchoonerHolland JachtbouwHoek62m
BequiaKetchBrooklin Boat YardStephens28m
BooTooSloopPendennis ShipyardHolland27m
Marie KetchVitters ShipyardHoek55m
MeteorSchoonerRoyal HuismanDykstra & Partners52m
ParaisoSloopAlloy YachtsFontaine33m
RebeccaKetchPendennis ShipyardFrers43m
This is Us SchoonerHolland JachtbouwHoek42m
WhisperSloopHolland JachtbouwFontaine35m
William TaiKetchRoyal HuismanHood40m
Les Grandes Dames des Mers
Yachts (17)TypeBuilderDesignerLOA
Andromeda la deaKetchPerini NaviPerini Navi47m
AntaraKetchPerini NaviPerini Navi47m
AxiaKetchPalmer JohnsonS&S38m
BaracudaKetchPerini NaviHolland50m
Blue TooKetchAlloy YachtsHolland34m
Clan VIIISloopPerini NaviHolland45m
DestinationSloopAlloy YachtsDubois41m
FidelisKetchPerini NaviPerini Navi / Holland56m
GaneshaSloopFitzroy YachtsDubois NA39m
GenevieveSloopAlloy YachtsDubois37m
Helios IISloopPerini NaviHolland45m
HyperionSloopRoyal HuismanFrers48m
KooSloopVitters ShipyardDubois43m
MoonbirdSloopFitzroy YachtsDubois37m
PanthalassaKetchPerini NaviHolland56m
Parsifall IIIKetchPerini NaviHolland54m
ZenjiKetchPerini NaviHolland56m
Les Gazelles des Mers
Yachts (18)TypeBuilderDesignerLOA
BlissSloopYachting DevelopmentsDubois37m
EndeavourSloopCamper & NicholsonThomas Sopwith40m
FireflySloopClaasen JachtbouwHoek35m
HanumanSloopRoyal HuismanDykstra & Partners42m
HetairosKetchBaltic YachtsDykstra / R/P67m
Lady BSloopVitters ShipyardDubois45m
Mari-Cha IIIKetchSensationBriand45m
P2SloopPerini NaviBriand38m
RangerSloopDanish YachrsBurgess & Stephens42m
Salperton IVSloopFitzroyDubois45m
SymmetrySloopYachting DevelopmentFrers30m
TwizzleKetchRoyal HuismanDubois58m
UnfurledSloopRoyal HuismanFrers34m
VarsovieSloopNautor SwanFrers30m
VelshedaSloopCamper & NicholsonNicholson38m
ViragoSloopNautor SwanFrers30m


J-Class Hanuman  (Photo by George Bekris)
J-Class Hanuman (Photo by George Bekris)


Everyone has a soft spot for one repeat Bucket boat or another, and back this year will be fleet favourites Antara, Andromeda La Dea, Axia, Parsifal III, Ranger and Sojana to mention but a few. A couple of newer beauties will be making their second Bucket appearances including Huismans Twizzle, and Hanuman; joined by Hoek-designed Marie, who fired up the crowds last year with their spectacular air shows of historic WWII planes. Making Bucket debuts this year are Holland Yachtbouw schooner Athos, at 62m the largest Bucket Boat 2012; and of course, it wouldn’t be a Bucket without a couple of brand-new Perini Navis,  Clan VIII and Fidelis.


So, Bucket fans worldwide, prepare yourselves for the best week of the year coming up very soon, an annual treat for racing fans, and lovers of beautiful yachts alike. So it’s Bon Voyage and A Bientot until we see you next in Saint Barths!


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