Franck Cammas and his nine crew are perfectly positioned on the transatlantic record route....
Newport Bucket Regatta Image Gallery by George Bekris (click on image below to view gallery)
Tom Akin had a lot to say about sailing Flash, a TP...
It was an interesting day for all the teams on the water today in...
First Day iShares Cup Hyeres, France Has Masirah Taking Top Of Podium Honors For After The First Day
Fresh from their victory over a quadruple Olympic medalist and an America’s Cup challenger,...
In Division 6, Relentless, the One-Design 35 being doublehanded by Tim Fuller and Erik...
WILL HE OR WON’T HE? While the Race Committee speculate as to whether ...
On Sunday night in St. Petersburg, the final prizegiving was an opportunity to remember...