February 9, 2025
Bucket Race (Photo By George Bekris)
WHISPER at Bucket Race (Photo By George Bekris)

Gustavia, St Barths, FWI  (March 31, 2009) The 14th Annual St Barths Bucket was once again blessed with perfect sailing weather which provided some of the most spectacular sailing on the most spectacular yachts in the most spectacular Caribbean sailing neighborhood.  With a consistent 15-22 knot trade wind, the fleet was fully powered up and the racing was startlingly close.  Once again this Bucket was declared the “best ever”.


 SY METEOR, 51m Royal Huisman modern classic Schooner won first place overall in the regatta with the 30m modern  classic ketch ,WINDCREST, in second place overall and  the 54m classic  schooner, ADELA,  was 3rd place overall.  The following are the additional trophies awarded:

 Grande Dames des Mers: (Cruising Division)

1:   METEOR, 51m Huisman

2:   MALTESE FALCON – 88m Perini Navi

3:   WINDCREST, 30m Hodgdon Yacht

 Gazelle De Mer: (Racing Division)

 1:  GANESHA – 39m Dubois Performance Sloop

2.  P2 – 38m Perini Navi/Briande Performance sloop                                        

3.  DESTINATION FOX HARB’R – 41m Dubois Performance Sloop by Alloy Yachts

 For the first time ever, the Wolter Huisman Spirit of the Bucket was presented to a Huisman Yacht. METEOR was presented this award, which is earned by the yacht that best  exemplifies the Spirit of the Bucket — having the most fun while displaying the best Corinthian values,  sailing their yacht perfectly with a non-professional group of great sailors while sharing their joie de vivre and generosity  with the fleet. 

 Vitter’s Shipyard Seamanship Trophy was awarded to VIRAGO.  The award is presented to the yacht that demonstrates the best seamanship and sportsmanship in the interest of promoting safety on the race course.  All participants in the Bucket acknowledge that superyachts have serious limitations operating safely in close quarters and therefore, the RC has always valued safety well above performance.  This award recognizes the yacht that best demonstrates that understanding.  It also goes to prove that nice guys don’t always finish last!!  On several occasions, VIRAGO chose to give way to other yachts in order to decompress potentially dangerous situations.  She was run and raced like a proper yacht in all respects while setting a safety example that we would all do well to follow.  Well done!!

The All Star Crew Award, presented by Holland Jachtbouw and The Yacht Report went to MALTESE FALCON.    The All Star Crew is selected by peer ballot, with each yacht in the Regatta putting forward their vote for the crew that has the best run yacht, with the tightest crew family  — they get along and they get it done while enjoying themselves fully.

 Best Performance by an Alloy YachtDESTINATION FOX HARB’R

 Perini Navi Cup – Best Performance by a Perini Navi YachtMALTESE FALCON

The Skullduggery Cravat was presented to AXIAThe cravat is a perfectly tied Admiralty Noose, framed, with instructions in elegant calligraphy on how to tie a proper, 13 turn noose.  This was originally awarded to the owner of SARIYAH in 2002, so his captain, Timothy Laughridge (Bucket Committee) could be hung at the pleasure of the Fleet.  The award was renamed and put forward as an award by the Committee, to reinforce the Bucket premise that we are NOT here to promulgate adult behavior. 

The 2009 Cravat was handily earned by the owners and crew of AXIA, who accosted our RC Chairman, Hank Halsted at the welcome party, while dressed in full antique Spartan battle dress, held him at spear point in front of the crowd, while beseeching him to exercise his good judgment  in putting forward a more favorable rating handicap!  In view of the fact that they had the wisdom to address Hank as “wise one”, the request received favorable consideration!!  In sum, AXIA brought the house down with their well honed sense of fun.

The Bucket Regattas began in August 1986 in Nantucket, MA, as a casual race to prove bragging rights among the owners & skippers of seven of the largest yachts in town — an afternoon sail, there and back again, with a galvanized bucket as the trophy.  The St Barths Bucket Regatta has grown to become one of the most prestigious sailing events in the world, attracting the largest yachts ever to compete on the race course. 

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