January 4, 2025

Light airs and a beautiful starry night was the report back to Oman Sail HQ this morning, “we are expecting to be becalmed” Charlie commented and according to the regular positions reports this happened at around 1000 GMT when Musandam was polled traveling at 2.5 knots.

These light airs are not due to last according to Commanders Weather as a series of fast moving weather systems are expected to pass over Musandam into early next week. 20 knot (40 km per hour) winds from the west  are due to reach them later today then diminish early Saturday, another fast moving low pressure will reach them but 1200 GMT on Saturday bringing gale force winds of 40-50 (75-100 km per hour) knots . This ever changing weather combined with the Ice watch requires vigilance in the routing by navigator, skipper and crew for safe passage to the longitude of the Cape of Good Hope.

CLS continue to monitor the ice situation in the South Atlantic, Musandam’s ice gate 3 has been confirmed at 40 -30 degrees west / 48 degrees south. This gate should leave a margin of around 150 nautical miles above current ice positions. Good tracking date from CLS means that the routing for the boat will continue to push them north and away from the areas of ice.

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