Sailed today with Sidney Gavignet on his lovely beast of a race boat, Musandam. She is Oman Sail’s Multi One Design 70 and flagship racer. Mr. Gavignet and crew are fresh into New York City after finishing the Prologue Race to the KRYS OCEAN RACE, which starts on Saturday. This is the inaugural KRYS Ocean race and it has drawn 5 of the world’s best multi hull skippers to fight it out mid ocean. Race For Water, FONCIA, Groupe Edmond de Rothschild, Spindrift Racing and Musandam-Oman Sail all hoping to break records.

The crew on Musandam consists of both seasoned circumnavigators and relative newcomers to ocean racing. All enthusastic and working like a well oiled machine, the crew seems to take cue from their skipper. This all can be fun. Even as they tote media from North Cove Marina past lower Manhatten and on toward the Statue of Liberty their enthusiasm is contagious. The crew answer questions readily. The pride in their ride apparent. They are all ready to take on the Atlantic.

Sidney asks if I would like a hand at the tiller. Yes, Yes Yes. These are the moments you dream of. The days you remember. Perfect skys, wind and the city skyline swooshing by . She handles like a dream, so balanced she glides by other boats in the harbor with no effort. As we swoop by other boats like a giant bird out come the smart phones and video cams as we pass. Ferry riders take in the view of her with her bright water color hues. Just to watch her sail is a treat. Often seen in Europe, these large multi hulls are still enough of a rarity in the US that they draw curious eyes.
We make another pass at the statue with the speed building with each pass. We hit 20 knots and the smiles are plentiful. Then 22 knots. No wait. 24. At 25 knots there are a couple of fist pumps.

It just makes you want to shout from the rooftops. Look at the world class, record setting testaments to innovation that have been brought to your doorsteps New York City.
Tomorrow promises to be even better. All 5 crews will take to the Hudson for Speed Trials right in front of Battery Park. They are on Thursday July 5th from 3:00 to 5:00.
So if your in New York come on down and check out the Multi One Design 70’s. It is worth the look to see these boats and crews in action.
Saturday is the start of the KRYS OCEAN RACE. The start line in front of the Statue of Liberty. The race starts at Saturday July 7th at 11:00 am.
For More Information on Musandam, Sidney Gavignet and the Oman Sail Program see http://www.omansail.com/
For More Information about the KRYS OCEAN RACE See http://www.krys-oceanrace.com/en/
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