March 9, 2025
Image By Jacques Vapillon / DPPI / Vendée Globe
Image By Jacques Vapillon / DPPI / Vendée Globe

Rich Wilson should reach Cape Horn around 1330hrs GMT and while it will be a big moment for the American skipper who at 57 years is the oldest in the race, he is looking forwards most to heading north up the Atlantic after he clears the Island los Estados.

He has been pushed by a strong NW’ly wind and reported this morning that seas were big and angry as he crossed the continental shelf. After two months in the Southern Ocean, he is only the second American to have got this far in the Vendée Globe race after Bruce Schwab.

Rapahel Dinelli was at the final Pacific ice gate at 0730hrs GMT this morning, Norbert Sedlacek 80 miles behind. Then they have 1750 miles to make to Cape Horn and so they should be there at about the same time the Roland Jourdain is finishing, perhaps just before. Norbert Sedlacek has an ongoing problem with his mast track and now cannot get his main above the second reef of Nauticsport Kapsch. 

Confirming this morning that the problem on Christmas Day was damage by a wave to his port rudder, Michel Desjoyeaux was this morning not yet out of the ridge of high. The question even he could not answer yet is how long he will carry on before he gybes. Will he carry on towards Ireland or gybe for Cape Finisterre. Sylvan Mondon of Meteo France this morning suggested that choice could make 12 hours of difference in his arrival time, between Saturday evening or Sunday morning. He should be making about 9-12 knots today in a SW’ly breeze.  

For Veolia Environnement (Roland Jourdain) in second he will still be in the trades for the next 36 hours, then will have to cross the high pressure ridge too. Bilou will be slowed more but at no great loss. 

Brit Air is making 13.1 knots into good trade winds they are not as strong as they were for Michel Desjoyeaux and for Bilou.

Sam is now just 30 miles behind Safran and has now made up more than 100 miles since Saturday night on Marc Guillemot. His inshore position is giving him lighter breezes than Sam. The trades are pretty weak for them anyway. Davies is still very much in ‘Kick Ass Mode. There are nearly 400 miles between Dee Caffari and Sam with Brian 104 miles ahead of Aviva this morning. 

Caffari was a little closer to the edge of the ridge they were extracting themselves from yesterday afternoon and evening, and Dee has been sailmaking yesterday, by all accounts to better effect than last time although her repairs are not going to be tested hard for a while. 

Steve White is between two high pressure systems and will get a bit of frontal activity today, sailing upwind, again in Northerlies, up to 35 knots at times which, as he said yesterday is preferable to the 18-22 knots he had. 

Here is today’s round up from the French speaking skippers on today’s radio vacs, the last in Paris: 

Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia): Quieter than he thought.  Wind down to below 10 knots.  Has been varying between 6 and 12.  Expecting stronger winds this afternoon.  Wondering whether to head towards Ireland or Cape Finisterre.  Best route is not always the shortest. Has been trying to weigh up that choice by studying charts.   

Port rudder was the problem he had at Christmas.  Was still dark 3-35 knots of wind sailing close to the wind.  Port rudder was up. In heavy seas with two or three reefs, so not much sail up.  A wave broke the mechanism that keeps rudder up and box and arm. Tried to get it back in place, but could not manage it.   Risked damaging carbon on rudder. Miraculously after a while got it back in place.

A few days later he consolidated the system against the transom.  Worried about hitting something as he could have lost rudder or attachment, so later carried out repairs using remains of carbon to allow rudder to kick up. 

His impression that he was close to disaster. 

Two rudders are necessary as boats are wide and when boat heeled over one rudder out of the water.  Usually possibility to raise it up to avoid damage and cause less drag. Sometimes he puts rudder back in the water before manoeuvres in case anything happens.  He has left his repaired one in place for fear of further damage in manipulating it.

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