Hi There,
After our unplanned stop we are well on our way. It was a shame to find ourselves back in Qingdao so soon after we had left, but I have to admit that I managed to take full advantage of what I saw as a bonus meal while the boat was sat on the dock for repairs and, as a result, I left Qingdao (on the second attempt) full of steak, pizza, chicken nuggets and any other junk food that happened to stray in my direction! Hopefully that junk food fix will last me the next 40 days (unlikely though I think!!!). Early Sunday morning, after some fantastic work by the shore team we, with a keel as new, said goodbye to our loved ones once again and set about getting back into this 12,000 mile marathon.
Once we finally left the dock, we were underway pretty swiftly and have been blast reaching since we left the waters of Qingdao. Korea then Japan flew by and with it the water temperature has been steadily climbing make things warmer on deck even though the spray continues to pelt us non-stop. We have had pretty good pace since the start, but it is going to be a long process to grind down the opposition and get ourselves back into the race. However, we must remain patient, stay motivated and keep alert for the opportunities that arise, however small in order that we can close the gap to the four in front.
As for me, I am very much enjoying a return to things on deck. It is nice to be back on the wheel, driving the boat hard and focusing on making us go fast once again. With the wind at 25-30 knots at times and things on the edge I once again get to feel the adrenaline rush of having to go on deck and push the boat hard, but, at the same time, keep it on its feet and under control.
I have to admit I am also rather enjoying a return to a more regular sleeping pattern too and cannot remember the last time a spent so relaxed and refreshed after a couple of days into a race!! That said, it is important that with our rivals so far in front we do not get too settled – it is up to us to keep the pressure on ourselves, to get the very best out of the boat as the other boats are not around to push us on.
With that said, I am going to put my head down for a couple hours before returning back to the fresh air and salt spray in order to push hard again for another four hours.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Fisher – strategist/helmsman